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SAT: проверь себя в деле

SAT: проверь себя в деле


SAT: проверь себя в деле


Если вы планируете поступать на программу бакалавриата в американский вуз, то вам не обойтись без сдачи экзамена SAT – унифицированного теста, который продемонстрирует приемной комиссии ваши знания основных курсов школьной программы. Экзамен состоит из двух частей: вербальной (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing) и математической (с калькулятором и без), – но многие университеты также просят выпускников сдавать дополнительный компонент тестирования – академическое эссе.  StudyLab предлагает вам выполнить несколько заданий из настоящего теста SAT, чтобы проверить свой уровень подготовки. Удачи!


1. Consider correcting potential errors in the underlined portions of the passage:

The most famous rivals of the Epicureans were the Stoics. The Stoic school of thought was founded in the 4th century (1) BCE, and its most well-known follower, the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, lived and wrote much later, in the 2nd century CE. The Stoics, unlike the Epicureans, believed that a (2) divine will they called the logos influenced all events. Thus, the Stoics thought that people could not control their fates, and so should cultivate self-control and composure, even in the face of hardship.


  2. BCE, so its
  3. BCE, however its
  4. BCE, but its


  2. divine will, they called
  3. divine will: they called
  4. divine will—they called
 Узнать правильный ответ

(1) правильный ответ D

(2) правильный ответ A

2. Select the best answer from among the choices given:

The commission of inquiry censured the senator for his _________ expenditure of public funds, which they found to be _________.

    1. flagrant…cursory
    2. improper…vindicated
    3. lavish…unjustifiable
    4. judicious…blameworthy
    5. arbitrary…critical
 Узнать правильный ответ

 правильный ответ С

3. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the question below:

In elections for the presidency of the United States, for example, candidates need support from every part of the country. They cannot alienate large groups by expressing extreme views, so they must be moderate in order to have broad appeal.

As used in the passage, “alienate” most nearly means

  1. isolate
  2. divert
  3. reject
  4. offend
 Узнать правильный ответ

 правильный ответ D

4. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to 
SAT: проверь себя в деле - StudyLab


  1. (5x + 1)
  2. 3(5x + 1)
  3. 15x2 – 28x – 4
  4. 15x – 35
 Узнать правильный ответ

 правильный ответ B

5. A company polls a group of 1,067 people randomly selected to represent New York City. The company determines that 10% of the sample group does not like cheese, while the remaining 90% does like cheese. The poll is true with a 3% margin of error 19 times out of 20. If there are 8.5 million people in New York City, what is the best estimate for the number who do not like cheese?

  1. 850,000 people
  2. Between 425,000 and 1,275,000 people
  3. Between 595,000 and 1,105,000 people
  4. Between 722,500 and 977,500 people
 Узнать правильный ответ

 правильный ответ С

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